Russia has added a new automobile checkpoint for entering the country with an e-visa

Altai Republic, Russia

Russia continues to actively develop its tourist attraction and economy by announcing the expansion of the list of border crossing points where foreign citizens can use a single electronic visa.

The new border crossing point is the Tashanta highway checkpoint in the Altai Republic. This small village near the Mongolian border plays a significant role in cross-border trade and tourism, opening up new opportunities for travelers and businesses alike. Travelers can now cross the Russian border through 105 checkpoints, including airports, seaports and land crossings.

The e-visa is available to citizens of 64 countries, including Germany, and it does not require invitations, hotel reservations or other documents confirming the purpose of travel. With this visa, travelers can stay in Russia for up to 16 days for tourist, business, humanitarian and private purposes.

The opening of a new entry point where e-visas can be applied will not only simplify the border crossing process for many citizens, but will also contribute to the growth of the economy and attract investment to the regions.

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