What to see in Sudan
Sudan is a state in North Africa with a rich history and culture. The sights of the country are real gems of archaeological heritage, including the pyramids of Meroe, the temples of the Sun in Naga and Jebel Barkal, as well as the ruins of ancient cities.
Tourists will be able to see unique sites that are outstanding monuments of the ancient civilizations of Kush, Meroe and Nubia. Sudan offers interesting itineraries for travelers to spend a day exploring these historical sites and creating incredible photos.
The country is also famous for its ethnic mosaic, attracting tourists with its cultural traditions. Dozens of nations practicing Islam and Christianity create a unique folkloric atmosphere. Handicrafts, jewelry and pottery are popular arts that can be seen in various cities of Sudan.
In business and investment, Sudan attracts attention for its huge potential in minerals such as oil, gold, chromites, manganese, iron ore, and copper. Agricultural production of cotton, peanuts, millet and sugarcane also offers great prospects. Infrastructure projects create additional business opportunities.
Thus, Sudan presents itself to tourists as a fascinating country with rich history and ethnic diversity, and to investors as a promising destination with great natural potential and prospects in the agribusiness sector. Infrastructure development creates additional opportunities for successful business.
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Interesting facts about Sudan:
- Sudan is one of the five largest countries in Africa in terms of land area. Its area is about 1.9 million km2.
- On the territory of Sudan there are more than 200 pyramids of the ancient kingdoms of Kush, Meroe and Napata. It is more than in Egypt. The highest pyramids of Meroe reach 30 meters.
- Two great rivers, the Blue Nile and the White Nile, which flow into the Mediterranean Sea, originate in Sudan.
- Sudan is very multinational. It is home to more than 500 tribes and ethnic groups speaking more than 400 languages and dialects.
- Sudan is the birthplace of the coffee tree. It was from here that coffee was brought to Yemen and commercially grown for the first time in history.
- Khartoum is the only capital city in the world located on the border of two climatic zones - Sahel and Sahara. Summer temperatures reach +46°C.
- Sudan produces up to 80 tons of gold per year. The country is among the top ten world leaders in gold mining.
- The Sudanese pound has been represented on coins and banknotes since 1956. It is considered one of the oldest monetary units in Africa.
- In Sudan grows baobab Adansonia - one of the oldest trees on the planet - it is more than 5000 years old. The trunk diameter exceeds 11 meters.
- In the mountains of the Nubian desert of Sudan the oldest rock paintings of people and animals over 5000 years old have been found.
- The world's largest coral reef of the continental shelf is located in the Red Sea off the coast of Sudan. Its length is over 230 kilometers.
- Sudan grows an original variety of cotton "Sudanese Golden", which is distinguished by its increased cellulose content and fiber strength.

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