What to see in Papua New Guinea
Located in the Pacific Ocean, the country of Papua New Guinea is famous for its amazing and unique natural landscapes. Here you can see high volcanic mountains, dense tropical forests, picturesque beaches and coral reefs. This island country has truly unique flora and fauna.
The culture of Papua New Guinea is also amazingly diverse. On the territory of the country live about 800 different tribes with their traditions, customs and languages. Tourists are attracted by colorful ethnic festivals, ritual ceremonies of Papuans in traditional dress, the opportunity to get acquainted with the life of local people.
The capital of the country Port Moresby is famous for its picturesque landscapes and interesting sights. Among them are the National Park and Cultural Center, National Museum and Art Gallery, traditional markets.
Papua New Guinea - this amazing country with huge potential is open for investment and business.
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Interesting facts about Papua New Guinea:
- Papua New Guinea has few roads and only covers a small part of the country. The more remote parts of the country can only be reached by airplane or sea.
- Most of the population still lives a lifestyle close to primitive.
- Urban population in this country is only about 15%.
- The nominal head of this state is the ruling English monarch. Until 2013 the law on witchcraft was in force and applied here - a supposed sorcerer could part with his life, becoming a victim of angry fellow villagers.
- There are three official languages here - English, Hiri Motu and Tok Pisin. In fact, each tribe, living in complete isolation in the jungle, has its own language, and the inhabitants of one village usually do not understand the inhabitants of another, located about 20 kilometers away from them. English is spoken by about 1% of the population.
- In total, Papua New Guinea has about 800 languages, which is 10% of the world's number.
- There is a unique bird here - the crowned pigeon. It is found nowhere else in the world.
- In addition to the main possessions, Papua New Guinea owns about 600 smaller islands.
- There are about 20 thousand species of plants.
- By the time of the beginning of colonization in the 19th century, local aborigines lived exactly the same way as their distant ancestors several thousand years ago.
- Almost all shores of Papua New Guinea are swampy lowlands or mangroves, extending several tens of kilometers inland.
- The famous traveler Miklukho-Maclay lived for 4 years in a primitive village with local Papuans, studying their life, manners and customs.

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