Health Pass: a new requirement for entry into Indonesia

Jakarta, Indonesia

As of August 29, 2024, Indonesia is significantly changing the entry procedure for all air arrivals into the country. These changes are part of a set of measures aimed at preventing the spread of the Mpox virus, better known as monkeypox.

Now every traveler planning to visit Indonesia is required to fill out an electronic medical questionnaire called Health Pass. This procedure must be completed prior to departure to the country. The questionnaire is available on the official website of the Indonesian Ministry of Health and is offered in two languages, English and French, making it accessible to a wide range of international travelers.

It is important that the application form can be filled in no earlier than 48 hours before the expected date of entry into the country. After successful completion of the Health Pass, the system generates a unique QR code, which becomes a mandatory document to be presented at the airport of arrival.

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What travelers need to know about Indonesia's new Health Pass system

The Indonesian authorities strongly recommend all travelers to fill in the questionnaire in advance. In case a tourist arrives without a previously received QR code, he will have to go through the procedure of filling in the questionnaire directly at the airport. This can significantly increase the time of passport control and create additional inconveniences.

At the moment, the question of applying similar measures to passengers arriving by sea, including cruise ships, remains open. Official information on this issue has not yet been published, which creates a certain uncertainty for this category of travelers.

The introduction of the Health Pass system is an important step in ensuring safety for locals and tourists alike. It allows Indonesian authorities to better monitor potential risks of infectious diseases and take timely action to prevent them.

Tourists planning a trip to Indonesia are advised to carefully follow updates on entry regulations and prepare in advance for the new requirements. This will help to avoid possible problems when entering the country and make the trip more comfortable and carefree.

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