New Canadian visa rates from December 1, 2024: what you need to know

Old Quebec, Canada

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has introduced new, increased visa fees for different groups of applicants effective December 1, 2024. This change will affect anyone who plans to apply for visas, work or study permits in Canada, as well as those who intend to renew their status.

It should be noted that the new fees will not apply to applications that were filed before December 1, 2024. Once the applications are processed, IRCC will provide clear guidance on how to settle the difference between the old and new visa fees.

Fees have increased for categories such as:

  • Visitor Visa, Work Permit, Study Visa.
  • Temporary visitors, foreign workers and students.
  • Applicants with authorization to return to Canada.
  • Temporary Resident Permit (TRP) applicants.
  • Persons charged with various offenses, including serious crimes.

The introduction of the new fees significantly affects those who intend to travel to study or work in Canada. Applicants should keep up to date with the latest news from IRCC to have a good understanding of all the details and potential changes to their situation.

Thorough preparation and knowledge of all application nuances will help avoid inconsistencies and difficulties in obtaining a visa to Canada or extending authorized status within the country.

Stay up-to-date on visa policy changes and get up-to-date travel planning advice by following the news at

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