Culture and society of Cuba

Culture and society of Cuba

Cuba is an island shrouded in an aura of mystery and historical grandeur. It is a place where time seems to have slowed down and classic cars from the 50s are still part of everyday life. Here you can feel the spirit of revolution still in the air. And the combination of local, African and European influences gives this island a unique vibrant culture.

The island of freedom, Hemingway's favorite country, salsa, slaves and pirates, the Caribbean crisis, cigars, rum and music again, the struggle for independence and the war with the Americans, warm smiling people, heroes of the revolution, the cult of saints and voodoo spirits - all this is Cuba. It is amazing how such a small country managed to combine so many tragic, beautiful and mysterious things in its culture!

The history of Cuba is reflected in everything: in its cuisine, language, art and, above all, in music. But the main asset of the republic has always been its people, who preserve their unique life as a precious pearl. And no wonder, because Cubans are characterized by steadfastness, patience and vitality, which cannot be undermined or bent by any hardships. Extremely friendly and hospitable locals always readily invite guests to their modest homes.

The influence on the country from outside is reflected in the customs and traditions of the people. Elements of Amerindian, African, French and Spanish cultures have become an integral part of the country's outlook.

Cultural specificities

Stylish and charming Cubans

Cubans are extremely clean and meticulous about their own appearance. And it is not only women, men follow their appearance with no less attention and enthusiasm. Locals of all ages prefer all sorts of bright color combinations in clothing and persistent perfume scents. What is amazing is the boundless confidence in their attractiveness and their willingness to share this wealth with the world.

Here you can also find cheerful schoolchildren in uniforms and pioneer ties playing stickball, flying kites or riding homemade skateboards. The Cubans' ease and simplicity is exuberant. They radiate incredible positivity and joy, turning every day into a celebration of lightness and carefree.

Customs and traditions of Cuba can really surprise. For example, regardless of age and position, people calmly address each other on “you”, and respect for the interlocutor expresses by adding the words señor or señora. Cubans always keep a distance of a meter and a half in queues, as it is considered impolite to approach a stranger. Do not be surprised if a local invites you to visit right after the first words of acquaintance - this is considered the norm.

Cubans are happy with simple things, they do not bother themselves with unnecessary activities, they do not grow fruits and vegetables, but are satisfied with what nature provides. Every working week they end with a grandiose fun in bars, even if a Cuban has not worked and is not tired, it is not superfluous to have a rest.

And speaking of rest, the first thing that comes to mind is the famous Cuban rum and cigars. What to say, this is really a local tradition. The world-famous Cuban rum is popular not only among the population, but also outside the island, as well as cocktails based on it “Daiquiri” and “Cuba Libre”. There is even a local custom of titillating the spirits by spilling a couple of drops of rum on the ground, but you should not overdo it, the spirits can easily recognize deception.

Cuban cigars are not a notorious bad habit, but a ritual and even a philosophy. A real Cuban can sit on the terrace for hours, enjoying a fragrant cigar, occasionally dipping its tip in rum and drinking it. Despite the love for strong drink, you will almost never meet very drunk Cubans.

As for the city appearance and atmosphere in general, they are definitely in line with the Cubans. Bright colors are inherent not only in outfits of locals, but also in city buildings and rare cars. In its measured and unhurried rhythm of life Cuba does not chase modern technologies and does not follow trends. On the road you can meet both rare Lamborghini and old Soviet Zhiguli. Glass windows are not present in all houses, more often they are replaced by metal or wooden blinds, or simple plywood boards. By the way, this is an absolutely practical approach: during winter storms, glass can easily break, besides, in mild warm climates, many people do not need glass windows at all.

In rural areas, all locals still use ox-drawn carts, Chinese bicycles and cycle rickshaws instead of cars. Houses are often furnished with ancestral antiques passed down through the generations. Although the internet is available on the island, few people have access to it.


Cuban restaurant

The local cuisine shows the ingenuity of Cubans, as well as a mixture of cultural traditions of different nations. The basis of Cuban cuisine is seafood, which is abundant here. However, the main ingredient of national dishes is meat, which will seem surprising to many people. No less surprising and unusual in local dishes may be the combination of fruits with meat. For example, Cubans use bananas not as a dessert, but as a garnish to meat dishes.

An honorable place among the favorite dishes is occupied by Ajiaco - made of meat and vegetables. Also widely known and loved is lechon - mouth-watering fried pork. These meat delicacies are traditionally served with a flavorful sauce rich in tomatoes and garlic, which adds piquancy and sophistication to the dish.

Here you can taste banana cakes with coarse sea salt from an African recipe, a specific black bean soup or thick chicken soup with sweet potatoes, as well as a Spanish dish of baked rice and beans with the unusual name Moros y cristianos (Moors and Christians).

Family-run Paladares restaurants are becoming increasingly popular. The highlight of such establishments are homemade dishes with simple recipes, which Cubans spoil their households with. The guests are served by the owners who live in the same houses. These places are quite inexpensive compared to state restaurants, and incredibly hearty.


Children in Cuba are accustomed to a healthy and active lifestyle from childhood. There are no restrictions on sports here, volleyball, soccer and athletics are actively developed. However, unlike most Latin American countries, the most popular sport in Cuba is baseball, which came from the USA in the 60s. Cuba is famous for its achievements in boxing, as well as in many Olympic sports, and the Cuban national baseball team has brought many stars and champions to the world sport and is rightly considered one of the best in the world.

Customs and traditions

Traditions in Cuba

Music is deeply rooted in Cuba's culture and is a key element of its national identity. They play a wide variety of musical instruments always and everywhere. It is rare to find a local who does not know how to play the guitar - these skills are passed down from generation to generation and mastered from childhood.

Dance and music are at the heart of Cuban culture, reflecting the rich heritage inherited from Spanish influence. Rumba, salsa and cha-cha-cha are not just dances - they are the rhythm of life in Cuba, performed every day and everywhere. Especially here they like to gather in large and cheerful companies, where people of different ages and statuses dance right on the street, not embarrassed and not shy of the looks of passers-by. Residents of Cuba and those who have often been on the island are used to this pastime, but tourists who are here for the first time, may think that they are on a holiday, although it is just a normal day.

If you are lucky, you can witness a colorful carnival, which is an annual tradition in Cuba. Many Cubans prepare for it all year long to earn and buy themselves a fancy carnival costume. Of course, at the carnival it is customary to dance salsa, and since it is a big celebration, Cubans dance all night long.

For all its conservatism, modern Cuba is slowly but surely accepting capitalist benefits into its life without changing its traditions. For several years Cuba has been actively engaged in the development of tourism, which has significantly changed its image and opened this country for many travelers. It is safe to say that Cuba will stay in your heart forever!

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