New rules for entry to Thailand: digital form TM6 to replace paper form

Chiang Mai, Thailand

Thailand's Ministry of Tourism and Sports has announced the launch of a digital version of the TM6 immigration form, which will replace the traditional paper forms. This innovation will take effect from May 1, 2025 and will be mandatory for all foreign nationals arriving in the country by air, land and sea.

Acceptance of the paper version of the TM6 was temporarily suspended by the Cabinet on April 15, 2024. In May this year, the paper forms will be completely replaced by an online form, this will help avoid confusion among tourists and simplify the migration paperwork process.

With the introduction of the digital form, the government also plans to postpone the introduction of the 300 baht tourist fee to focus on the successful implementation of the new system. The digital card will allow for better control of foreign visitors' stay in the country and ensure their safety.

The new solution aims to simplify bureaucratic processes and improve the quality of service for tourists, which will certainly increase Thailand's attractiveness as a travel destination.

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