Thailand 2025: a bold step into the future of tourism

Sights of Thailand

In light of changing global travel trends, Thailand is actively reviewing its tourism policy. The country's newly appointed Minister of Tourism has announced a series of initiatives aimed at making Thailand more attractive to international travelers and boosting domestic tourism by 2025.

The main areas of the new strategy are:

  • Revision of the financial policy: the introduction of a tourism fee for international visitors is being considered. This measure is expected to help finance the development of tourism infrastructure and improve the quality of services.
  • Differentiated approach: it is planned to establish different rates of contribution depending on the way tourists arrive in the country.
  • Support for domestic tourism: the Ministry is exploring the possibility of reviving successful incentive programs, such as “We Travel Together”, which worked well during the pandemic.
  • Developing event tourism: special attention is being paid to the organization and promotion of major events, including sporting events and traditional festivals.
  • Long-term planning: the government has set ambitious targets to increase tourism revenues over the next four years.

The Minister emphasizes that the new policy aims to create a balance between attracting more tourists and ensuring the sustainable development of the tourism sector. The measures are expected to help Thailand strengthen its position as one of the world's leading tourist destinations while supporting local communities and the country's economy.

Experts say the success of the new strategy will depend on careful planning and effective implementation of the proposed initiatives. Thailand's tourism industry is optimistic about these changes, hoping for a positive impact on the country's economy in the long term by 2025 and beyond.

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