Sri Lanka introduces visa-free entry for tourists

Sri Lanka attractions

Sri Lanka has recently introduced a pilot program, which has already come into effect and will remain in effect until March 31, 2024. It offers visa-free entry for tourists from China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Russia and Thailand. This change in Sri Lanka's visa policy is part of a strategy to develop the tourism sector on the island, which has a significant impact on the economy.

Sri Lanka's tourism industry aims to attract 2 million tourists this year, significantly exceeding the previous target of 1.5 million. The introduction of visa-free travel is part of a wider effort to revitalize the tourism sector, which was hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic and the country's financial crisis. Travel is becoming more affordable and convenient, and Sri Lanka is hoping for a significant increase in tourist arrivals, which will bring in much needed revenue for the country. A variety of attractions including beaches, nature, culture and adventure are being actively promoted to attract a wide range of tourists.

What other countries are simplifying visa requirements?

Following Sri Lanka's lead, Thailand has also announced visa-free entry for Indian and Taiwanese tourists. The new rules will be valid from November 10, 2023 to May 10, 2024. This decision is made to attract more tourists during the peak tourist season.

Thailand has already abolished tourist visa requirements for Chinese nationals and is now looking to develop its tourism sector, which plays an important role in its economy. The decision by Thailand and Sri Lanka reflects a general trend in Asian countries to relax visa requirements to boost the tourism industry and recover from the pandemic.