Japan and Luxembourg offer a new Working Holiday program

Chureito Pagoda, Japan

From June 3, 2024, Japan and Luxembourg have launched an innovative working vacation program, giving young people from both countries the opportunity to immerse themselves in each other's culture during an extended stay abroad. The initiative gives young people from Japan and Luxembourg a chance to not only earn a living through temporary work, but also expand their horizons by attending language courses.

The program allows participants to engage in work that will contribute to their vacation and help finance their stay. With the Working Holiday visa, Luxembourg citizens are entitled to work in Japan while complying with local laws, especially in the areas of catering, entertainment, and public order and morals.

The Japanese Embassy introduced the Working Holiday program after China announced the extension of visa-free travel for citizens of Luxembourg and some other countries until the end of 2025.

It is important to note that the Working Holiday program is not intended for those seeking permanent employment, internships or education in Japan. This visa is not suitable for individuals whose primary goal is employment.

To participate in the program, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Candidates must be citizens and permanent residents of Luxembourg at the time of application.
  • Travel must be for vacation with the possibility of temporary employment, for a period of up to one year.
  • Candidates must be between 18 and 30 years of age.
  • Participants should not bring dependents unless they have their own reasons for entering Japan.
  • Must have a valid passport and sufficient funds to purchase a ticket home (minimum €2,100) and for initial living expenses (minimum €1,900).
  • Commitment to return from Japan at the end of the program.
  • There must be no history of participation in a working vacation program in Japan.
  • Presence of good health, adequate health insurance, an impeccable background and no criminal record.
  • Willingness to abide by Japanese laws and regulations throughout the stay.

In summary, the new working vacation program between Japan and Luxembourg offers young people a unique opportunity for cultural and professional exchange, which undoubtedly contributes to the strengthening of friendly relations between the two nations.