The UK has updated the conditions for obtaining the Global Talent Visa in 2025

Butler's Wharf Pier, London, UK

The UK government has decided to introduce a number of key changes to the Global Talent Visa program in 2025, which will be aimed at simplifying the application process and improving security. These changes will create a more competitive environment for applicants and require them to have a clear understanding of their career goals.

What's new with the Global Talent Visa?

Issuance of an Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA) will be mandatory for all Global Talent visa applicants. This should speed up the processing of visa applications and improve border control.

Application approval requirements will become more stringent. Recognized support bodies such as Tech Nation, Arts Council England and the Royal Academy will now require stronger evidence of applicants' achievements, such as international awards, patents and significant research.

Special attention will be paid to specialists in artificial intelligence and cybersecurity: their applications will be reviewed faster - in just 3 weeks, as opposed to the previous 8. This decision is due to the high demand for skilled workers in these key sectors.

Visa fees will rise by 10% due to increased processing costs and there will be a surcharge on Immigration Health Services (IHS) from the NHS.

These changes emphasize the UK's commitment to attracting exceptional international talent, giving them unique flexibility in employer choice and business opportunities.

The Global Talent visa can be granted for up to 5 years with the possibility of renewal, and after 3 or 5 years, depending on achievement, there is the possibility of a residence permit.

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