New EU entry rules: launch of EES and ETIAS postponed indefinitely

EU flags in Berlaymont

The European Union has again decided to postpone the launch of the new entry/exit system (EES), which was scheduled for November 10, 2024. At the same time, the provisional start date for the ETIAS authorization system remains for the second quarter of 2025, but it will not take effect until six months after the EES launch.

The EES section of the EU's official website now states that the system will be launched in 2025, but specific start dates are not specified. No implementation date has yet been considered, as a number of countries are not ready for the new rules. Germany, France and the Netherlands have reported that their systems are not yet fully ready, making it impossible to move forward with the implementation process. These countries play a key role in cross-border transportation and the necessary technology for its implementation is not yet available. As a result, the system is not fully operational, hindering further implementation.

EES is an automated information system that changes the approach to registration of non-EU citizens planning short-term travel to European countries. The main purpose of this system is to improve security, streamline border procedures and collect accurate data on travelers' movements across the EU's external borders.

Although a new implementation start date has not yet been named, the EU continues to actively work on the implementation of the entry/exit system. Member states must synchronize their border control systems and prepare the necessary technology. The launch of the new system will only be possible once these steps have been completed. Until then, the current border control rules and procedures remain in force, ensuring security and order at EU borders.

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