Simplifying the visa process: Chad launches e-Visa system

Lake Unyanga, Chad, Africa

Chad officially launched its new electronic visa system (e-Visa) on December 11,2024, aimed at modernizing the visa application process and making the country more accessible to international travelers. This innovative platform greatly simplifies the visa application process for foreign nationals.

Applicants can now use the platform, available in French, where they need to create an account, fill in an online form with personal data and information about their planned trip, upload the necessary documents and pay the relevant fees. Once the application is processed, the e-Visa will be issued electronically, the visa process is now faster and more convenient.

The e-Visa can be applied for by all foreign nationals who require a visa to visit Chad. Travelers can choose from a variety of purposes for their visit - tourism, business travel, conference attendance, study, family visits or transit travel. The e-visa application must be submitted at least 7 days before the planned date of entry into the country, but not earlier than 90 days before travel.

The e-Visa system makes Chad a more accessible destination, increases its tourism appeal and promotes business ties, supporting the country's aspirations to strengthen international cooperation and foster economic development through modern digital solutions.

Travelers planning trips to Chad can now easily and quickly complete the necessary paperwork, making their visit more comfortable and enjoyable. Before traveling, it is advisable to check for up-to-date information on visa requirements for your country and entry conditions to avoid possible inconveniences.

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