Australia launches National Innovation Visa from December 2024: new horizons for talent

Sydney, Australia

The Australian Department of Home Affairs has launched a new visa program, the National Innovation Visa (NIV) from December 6, 2024, which will replace the existing Global Talent Visa (subclass 858). The initiative aims to attract outstanding talent from a variety of fields, including highly skilled researchers, established and aspiring entrepreneurs, professional athletes and the arts.

To apply for the National Innovation Visa, a special form must be completed via the Australian Department of Home Affairs online portal. In some cases, it is possible to submit documents by email with the appropriate authorization. According to the new rules, for a successful application, candidates must receive a written invitation from the Department within a set timeframe. They must also confirm their outstanding achievements, which will be mentioned in the invitation letter.

Applications submitted before December 6, 2024 will be considered under the old Global Talent Visa criteria, while the new rules will only come into effect for applications submitted after the start of the program.

The National Innovation Visa offers many benefits including:

  • Permanent residency: visa holders will be able to live, study and work in Australia on a permanent basis.
  • Simplified requirements for people over the age of 55: they do not need to provide additional documents.
  • Flexible English language requirements, making the application process easier for many applicants.
  • No restrictions on professions: the visa is available for professionals from various industries, if they meet the established criteria.

With the introduction of this visa, Australia aims to attract highly skilled professionals who can make a meaningful contribution to the country's economic growth. The main purpose of the National Innovation Visa (NIV) is to support the development of key sectors such as advanced technology, artificial intelligence, biotechnology, medical innovation and more. These areas are essential to ensuring Australia's sustainable future and building a competitive economy on the global stage.

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