Citizens of Poland, Czech Republic and Switzerland will be able to travel to Vietnam without a visa from March 1, 2025

Hoi An Ancient City, Vietnam

Vietnam introduces a visa-free regime for citizens of Poland, the Czech Republic and Switzerland. This innovation will allow residents of these countries to visit Vietnam for up to 45 days for tourism purposes. Visa-free entry will be valid from March 1 to December 31, 2025.

The initiative applies to tourists who travel on organized itineraries provided by Vietnamese international tour operators. It is important that travelers meet the legal requirements to enter the country, regardless of passport type.

To date, visa-free entry to Vietnam is available to citizens of 13 countries: Germany, France, Italy, Spain, the UK, Russia, Japan, South Korea, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Belarus, who can also stay in the country for up to 45 days.

The expansion of the visa-free entry program is part of Vietnam's strategy to strengthen tourism ties with Europe, promote the country as an attractive tourist destination and attract travelers from around the world.

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Going to travel to Vietnam for more than 45 days? Apply for a visa with us!
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