Europäische Staatsangehörige können jetzt eine ETA für die Einreise in das Vereinigte Königreich beantragen: Einzelheiten

Stourton, UK

European citizens will be able to apply for electronic travel authorization (ETA) to the UK from March 5, 2025. The move completes the introduction of the ETA system, which allows travelers from visa-free countries to apply for entry to the United Kingdom in an online format. Since January 2024, more than 40 countries, including citizens of the US, Australia and others, have already issued travel authorization.

As of April 2, 2025, having an approved ETA will become mandatory for anyone eligible for visa-free entry to the UK. The permit will be valid for two years and will allow multiple entries for tourist purposes, to meet family and friends, to conduct business, to participate in short-term training courses, or to make transit trips (subject to border controls). Each traveler, including children, will need to obtain a separate permit.

If an ETA application is denied, the applicant will be informed of the reasons and will be able to reapply. And if the application is denied, there is no possibility of appeal and a visa will be required to enter the country.

Travelers transiting the UK and staying at the airport, as well as those who already hold a valid visa or are resident in the UK, including Irish nationals, are exempt from the need for entry clearance.

Foreign nationals should plan their travel in advance and submit online ETA applications before flying to the UK. This innovation is aimed at improving border security and preventing the entry of individuals who pose a threat to the country.

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